For years and years I’ve been overusing my “Hell Freezes Over” DVD and wishing that I could have had the chance to watch them live. Seeing the Eagles live has always been on the top of my “Things To Do Before Death” list, tied right at the top along with “Seeing Led Zeppelin Live”.Moving along now, I finally got the chance to see them live in the Singapore Indoor Stadium on October 18th 2004. I jumped at the chance and blew whatever savings I had to get the best tickets available. Missing this performance would have been sacrilege, so I made sure I got my tickets, and made sure I got there. The only down side to everything was that I didn’t get myself an Eagles T-shirt, all that was left by the time I arrived was their tourbook and keychains, which I promptly bought.
I have no negative criticism for the concert whatsoever, it was amazing. I merely pray that I will have the chance to see them again, and maybe even meet them. The only thing that I do consider to be a negative, was something I discussed with another attendee who was sitting in front of me (sorry I didn’t get your name); Don Felder. As good as the replacement may be, I have to say that his guitar solos were frigid and had no feel to them… but then again almost everyone is frigid and has no feel when compared to someone like Don Felder. There is no comparison whatsoever.
Nonetheless, THANK YOU THE EAGLES… for coming down to South East Asia and blessing us with your music. ROCK ON!!!
So sad that they are not touring Malaysia. 🙁
hoi!! wake up la .. jisus krist man .. how many hours of sleep do u need a day ?