It’s been almost a month since Jolla opened pre-ordering for their device, but further details have yet to emerge. It’s rather unfortunate since it does feel a little like whatever momentum and buzz was generated by the opening of the pre-order is starting to slow, and that Jolla isn’t really taking advantage of said momentum. For the most part, what is coming out on the Internet about Jolla since the initial deluge tends to be little more than regurgitated press releases or on occasion reactions from the community about the device. This little piece will be of the latter camp (in a way).

Interested parties had the choice between a €0, €40, or €100. The unfortunate fans who lived outside of the very limited number of supported countries at launch were stuck with the €0 option – more to show interest rather than anything else. The €40 package would result in a pre-booking for a Jolla device as well as a Jolla T-shirt. The €100 package would give you a Limited Edition Jolla device as well as a Limited Edition Jolla T-shirt. At least, this is what it appeared to be initially. After some emails going back and forth, Jolla Customer Care had this to say:
T-shirts in different type of orders are the same.
I had initially been interested in placing an order for €40 on top of my €100 order, just to both variants of the T-shirt. Pretty hardcore for someone who didn’t even live in the list of supported countries (and would therefore have to pay additional shipping to get anything forwarded on to me). The wording on the site gave the impression that the €40 and €100 T-shirts were unique. This of course is no longer an issue since Jolla did re-word the pre-order section a few days after launch, and became completely irrelevant after they announced that the €40 pre-order had sold out.
I do feel that a few things could have been done “better” though. Among others, I think a full €399 pre-order option should have been on the table from the start. Those who have been following Jolla from the start, and those who have technically been following Jolla since before Jolla came about (i.e. when they were still part of Nokia) are a passionate bunch. Despite the lack of information available at launch and even until now, I have no doubt that there are quite a few among us who would still jump at a €399 (or more) option. I personally contacted Jolla to find out if I could purchase multiple €100 pre-orders and combine them for my final purchase, to which Jolla replied:
you can use only one coupon per phone order.
How unfortunate. On top of that, I’m sure that many would jump through many hoops just to make sure we received our device regardless of whether or not we’re in the list of supported countries. If things stay as they are (my country not being supported), my device will be shipped by Jolla to a relative of mine in the UK, before being sent by courier from the UK to Malaysia. For people who are prepared to do this, shouldn’t Jolla do everything they can to fulfill their orders? Put up a €499 (for example) pre-order that covers International shipping and taxes to any location on the globe. These are fans that are prepared to hand over money for a Jolla device that doesn’t even have official specifications, a device that none of them have even touched. Short of iFans, it’s not really a common thing.
EDIT: The initial pre-ordering period is technically a second round of “funding” for Jolla, and while the €0 option is available for unsupported countries, I think it’s important to contribute to them financially (€40/€100) where possible. Sure, I may not be 100% happy with what the device is currently shaping up to be (ie. medium end CPU, etc.), but the fact is that if the fans aren’t there for Jolla now, there may not be a Jolla around later to build that dream device of mine whether it’s their 2nd, 3rd, or 10th device.
Despite all these concerns about the pre-order (and the device, which you can read about in my previous post), I’m really rooting for Jolla and hope they achieve the success they deserve. Sail on! #Unlike #Jolla2gether
P.S. Hire me!
Wasnt the 0eut option exactly what you thought about the full 399 option: the device will cost max 399 evenif it would cost more at stores or in internet store later. Also you will receive priority in shipments. And if you dont like the end product, you will lose nothing.
I agree with you that the campaing could have been communicated better from the beginning on. Since jolla wants to be the open alternative, they probably should be more open in pr. Why wont they ship all-over world? I believe that there are legal issues involved regarding online sales/returns/technical compliance procedures etc that first need to be solved. It can be also cost realated. Whatever the reason is, there is no grounds to stay silent: they are a start-up and everyone knows and accepts it!
Sorry I wasn’t really clear about that. Because the initial pre-ordering period is technically a second round of “funding” for Jolla, and while the €0 option is available for unsupported countries, I think it’s important to contribute to them financially (€40/€100) where possible. A case of putting my money where my mouth is basically. Thanks for your thoughts.