I vaguely remember some saying about how an idle mind is a devils playground… an idle biatch0 fucks messes up servers (his own in this particular case). I also managed to total the PSU in the server, almost managed to lose all files/DBs and various other unbelievable stunts! Anyhow, machine is back in semi-working order.
Author: biatch0
Someone wants in
Well, if someone doesn’t want in, he sure is doing a good job of making me think otherwise.
The Watchers
I’ve been watching you… Stolen from yet another blog, featuring the face of none other than drbait in a big red circle.EDIT: I was just going thru my earlier (read as from previous years) posts, and started LOLing when I read THIS. Call it a trip back in time for the internet-inclined.
hory jisus krist!
I’m finally back from my server hopping adventures where I have found that YOU DON’T GET FKN SERVERS FOR FREE. So, here I am… paying for servers yet again. As part of the whole “paying for servers” thing, I am now renting out dirt-cheap web/mail/etc. hosting to assist in my fight against having to eat…
Yes, I’m very much aware of the stupid comments being dumped here by various bots and whatnot. I’ll be making some changes over the next couple of days to essentially show them a big middle finger (not that the person who is actually responsible for this will ever see it). So, stuff might not work……
HITB SecConf 2005
As promised, I have updated this site during my weekly free time on Tuesdays (8PM MYT-2AM MYT); this is the WoW maintenance time FYI. If you’re wondering why I simply “pao” content from some other site, it’s because absolutely nothing happens to me anymore.
Yes, contrary to popular belief… I am still alive. No, I haven’t been “busted”. I’ve merely found somewhere else for myself to waste away large amounts of time; thank you “World of Warcraft”. Amazingly enough, I’ve found time to post this… and for this you have Blizzard to thank; they’ve (or perhaps TIME) totally fux0red…
I’ve just completed server migration to a fully portage based installation (as opposed to bits by portage and bits compiled from source). So, if you noticed downtime… blame apache2 for having confusing config files. Other than that, I’m pretty happy with the machine now… and in the case that I should need to move my…
A couple of days back in a slight sporting mishap, my head got better acquainted with the concrete floor that lines the grounds of the KLGCC indoor basketball court. After a hasty introduction, my head decided it needed a little relief and proceeded to bleed profusely. After a fair amount of bleeding, paper towels, and…