There’s something in the air on Sunday mornings… Everyone is like laidback luke… The sunny ass morning lacks the stressed out feeling of a weekday… and the day goes by as slow as it does for someone stoned to the bone…
Author: biatch0
For a second in the early morning Between sips of coffee and cigarette smoke, Flashbacks that used to burn my eyes grow dimmer, and dimmer I feel the boredom, Turning my coffee into a gray tap Turning my cigarette into a bundle of wire Dancing in my mouth with each drag. Making random bruises and…
The image above looks peaceful… then again, looks can be deceiving. In reality, there is an insane woman driver who is horning the brains out of everyone in the vicinity. I would have explained to her that she was looking for trouble parking where she did on pasar malam day… but then that wouldn’t be…
In case anyone is wondering why the heck the site was down the past couple of days, it was me messing around with ShoreWall. Apparently, I wrote some rules and didn’t realise anyone not from inside my internal network or external IP range was being firewalled out. Yay for plain stupidity.
Beverly Hills 9021-Ho!
i cant get my head right it once adorned tight curls with a crooked lil part now it only appears as a bolt of light that burns brightly across my heart hypnotized it holds my focus & keeps my eyes glazed over in a hopeless glossy gaze crystallized carat sized diamonds cut deep, racing down…
Happy New Year
It’s New Year, the time of year (beginning or end,depending) when everybody has a grand plan of ultimate happeningness. Unfortunately, in my case, I seriously doubt that anything even remotely resembling all those grand plans will materialize. It’s 5PM, I’ve just woken up, and I shall soon be stocking up on junk food and various…
I had an exciting morning today… After going to bed at about 8AM (and dozing off shortly thereafter), I awoke after awhile feeling dizzy. It was slightly akin to the kind of feeling you get when you’ve had just a little too much to drink (or insert other hallucinogenic substance here); twas not a good…
Ola… Por favor?
Greetings from me, Rip van Winkle… I have successfully traversed time in my bed from the time of our last meeting. The month has been a blur of snoring, contorted sleeping positions, and other nonsense not fit to be shared here. Since there is absolutely squat that happened, I will now leave you with something…
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins are you?
You scored as Sloth. Sloth 69% Gluttony 62% Lust 44% Envy 44% Pride 25% Greed 19% Wrath 12% Seven deadly sinscreated with Yeehawwww!!!
Seven Bridges Road
“In the beginning all was darkness.Desperado was there not and neither was there Hotel California. He who would sing that was called Glenn did journey hence from his home in the city of automobiles that was called Detroit to seek fortune as a minstrel. The master of the band wherein Glenn did play and sing…