Here’s an interesting thought I had about bandwidth quotas recently… Ever since the dawn of “broadband” (xDSL or its variants) way back in the mid 90s (approximately?) there have always been users who would attempt to maximize usage of their connection. Why is it that only recently quotas have conveniently popped up? Early xDSL started…
Tag: adsl
2010 in Malaysia according to biatch0
So, yet another New Year is upon us… big whoopdedoo!!! Here’s a quick round up of what happened in 2010 according to the Gospel of biatch0. Telekom Malaysia (TM) announces UniFi – The FIRST Fibre-To-The-Home (FTTH) solution in Malaysia. Obviously, it isn’t so cool when you take into consideration that no other ISP could possibly…
the adventures of biatch0 in modem/router/wifi-land
D-Link 2542B – Modem, 4-port router. Crashed on first night of download tests… 20% into the first file in queue. Punched random babies in face. Possibly the most messy UI and configuration interface I’ve ever seen (this includes the shit UIs that I code sometimes). On the bright side I saved 1 plug point vs…