Before you decide that buying a brand spanking new DSLR automatically makes you the new James Cameron, there are a couple of limitations (of recording video on a DSLR) that you should take into consideration. Hard Limit of 29:59 Regardless of Recording Quality/Resolution The first limitation is apparently related to taxes imposed on a traditional…
Tag: canon
Image Sharpness/Quality on the Canon EOS 7D
As per an earlier post, I recently… uh… side-graded (???) to an EOS 7D from an EOS 5D (original). The 5D was aging, along with the lenses, and I must be an absolute slavedriver of a photographer because my lenses seem to frown and break down fairly frequently – resulting in $$$ flowing out (not…
Canon EOS 7D vs 5D
Keep in mind this is from the POV of a broke event photographer. My main focus is the HITB Security Conference series – essentially a bunch of geeks who are afraid of the sun and light in general (sample photos available here). As such, the subjects usually end up hiding outside the spotlight during their…