ROFFLECOPTER!!! Ninjaed from: HERE
Tag: Uncategorized
New Weblog!
You’ve probably already noticed something looks different, CHECK YOUR EYES THE WHOLE SITE IS DIFFERENT. I’ve migrated to WordPress, after a number of good years with the wonky blog engine I wrote myself. I moved because I couldn’t be bothered figuring out how to make my own engine combat the comment spam, and partly because…
It’s a bird!!!
Not one of those things you expect to see browsing through Google Earth.
I’m blue, apparently.
You’re blue the most soothing shade of the spectrum. The color of a clear summer sky or a deep, reflective ocean, blue has traditionally symbolized trust, solitude, and loyalty. Most likely a thoughtful person who values spending some time on your own, you’d rather connect deeply with a few people than have a bunch…
hi !
I vaguely remember some saying about how an idle mind is a devils playground… an idle biatch0 fucks messes up servers (his own in this particular case). I also managed to total the PSU in the server, almost managed to lose all files/DBs and various other unbelievable stunts! Anyhow, machine is back in semi-working order.
Someone wants in
Well, if someone doesn’t want in, he sure is doing a good job of making me think otherwise.
The Watchers
I’ve been watching you… Stolen from yet another blog, featuring the face of none other than drbait in a big red circle.EDIT: I was just going thru my earlier (read as from previous years) posts, and started LOLing when I read THIS. Call it a trip back in time for the internet-inclined.
hory jisus krist!
I’m finally back from my server hopping adventures where I have found that YOU DON’T GET FKN SERVERS FOR FREE. So, here I am… paying for servers yet again. As part of the whole “paying for servers” thing, I am now renting out dirt-cheap web/mail/etc. hosting to assist in my fight against having to eat…