Well, here’s the funkay new layout I’ve been working my ass off on (figure of speech nothing more). Unfortunately, nothing much has happened in recent times and so, no updates for the moment. I still remember the weekend though, I remember it as a mess of meetings and general busy-ness. Out of everything that has happened in the recent past, the only thing that stands out is my shiny new audio amplifier. I’ve never previously invested in such an expensive piece of audio equipment because I didn’t really believe that an amplifier could make such a bigass difference. I was earlier running around with a nameless brand amp from Pasar Road which retailed for approx RM300 and thought my speakers (which are extremely good speakers that I inherited from my uncle after he spent a bomb getting an entire new system) sounded great with the cheapo amp. I was proven very much wrong and have now sweared that I’ll never buy cheap audio equipment again. W00T!

hahahaa yea baybeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m the virgin post! 😀
Really portrays biatch0.
Layout – rox
sorry to bother you, but i’ve been looking all over for an anser.can you tell me how you get the ps2 to display on your monitor? i have a geforce fx 5600 with VIVO and i got everything hooked and can do video capture, but i dont know how to just view the input full screen.
No I can’t tell you… this is a blog… not a fscking support forum.
wow spanking new layout!
tsk…wats this shit with mediface lol. another milliondollar scam thingy ah.
Dear Sir,
It is PA tech co glad to introduce our company is the professional manufacturer of
public address systemand professional audio system.
Our products include
Booster Amplifier,
Mixer Amplifier,
Mixer Pre-Amplifier,
Subwoofer amplifier,
Power amplifier,
Graphic Equalizer,
speaker and so on.
You can also see more details at our below homepage:
Please contact us if you need to know more information about our products
Please give me your address that we will send our catalogues for you.
Please give us a chance to cooperate with you. Thanks.
Tks& looking forward to hear from you soon!
Best Regards!
Ryan Chen
PA Tech Electronic co., Ltd.
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 886-2-29957376
Fax: 886-2-29956772